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Boreal Owls Year 4

Scarf PSHE 'Information for Parents' document

Hello parents, 

As per my parentmail please find the 'Scarf Information for parents' document ready to download at the bottom of this web page. This will give you more information about what is taught to year 4 in the puberty and SRE lessons. Please remember that everything is taught in a very gentle, child-friendly way.

If you have any questions please just ask!

Sally Pietropinto


Boreal Owls Y4

Welcome back to the summer term - June 4th 2024.

Welcome back to school for the final term of year four. We're excited about the learning that we have planned for this term and are rested and raring to go! We hope that you are too!

This is the important information that you need to know for this term:

PE Days - PE days will be Monday (Mr Pearce) and Thursday (Mr Pearce) this term. As we keep our fingers tightly crossed for warmer weather, please make sure the children have water bottles, hats and sun cream applied in the morning on PE days. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days which should consist of a plain, dark coloured (preferably navy) hoodie, white T shirt and dark coloured shorts or jogging bottoms. We should not be able to see any large logos or images on PE kits. 

Warmer weather - please make sure your child has a water bottle in school every day and on warmer days please apply sun cream in the morning and provide a hat for outdoor play.

Spellings - Spelling tests will continue every Monday morning. Your child will know their spelling group and a list of spellings and dates of tests can be found below for you to download.

MTC - This term the children will have their national Multiplication Tables Check and we have really noticed a huge difference thanks to all the work that they've been doing on Rock Stars! Please continue to make times tables practice a priority at home - just ten minutes a day on Rock Stars can result in a huge improvement. There's nothing wrong with good old fashioned questioning either - in the car, on the way to school or whilst doing the washing up! The children have already done some practise runs of the MTC so we are sure it will be something that they take in their stride when it comes.

Homework and Reading - until the MTC has finished the priority for homework will be using Rock Stars (see above!) and reading at least three times a week to an adult. This gives you the opportunity to correct any mispronunciations, check they are fully understanding what they are reading and gives them the opportunity to improve their fluency. In year four, we are lucky to have a full and exciting book corner and we are always happy to recommend new books. If your child is stuck for a new book, then please remind them to ask us.

School uniform - Please make sure that uniform is always of the highest standard and long hair is tied back. More information can be found on our website under 'Our Parents'.

If you have any questions for either of us or need to speak about anything at all, then please catch us at the end of the day or email the office,

Many thanks,

 Mrs Pinto and Mrs Marah

Useful Website links

Top Marks

BBC Bitesize

Times Tables


Times Tables Rock Stars

Writing Repeater