Boreal Owls Y4
September 2024
Welcome back to school and the start of our journey together in year 4. We hope you've had a wonderful summer and are returning refreshed, relaxed and raring to go!
Here are the main points that you need to know for the start of term:
First Day: On the first day, Mrs Marah will meet all children on the playground and will wait for everyone to arrive before heading back to the classroom for the children to settle in.
PE Days: PE will take place on a Monday and a Thursday this term. Please make sure that children arrive in the morning wearing their school PE kit and that they are presented to a high standard. Children should wear a dark (preferably navy) tracksuit or shorts and a white T shirt. Large logos and brand names should not be visible. PE lessons will begin in week 2 - Monday 9th September so no PE kits are needed in the first week.
Homework/ Spellings and TTRS: A parentmail will be sent once the term is underway to give more details on weekly spelling tests, times table rockstars and homework.
Reading records: Reading is a really important part of your child's homework. We expect them to read at least three times a week to an adult to improve fluency and to give you the opportunity to discuss what they are reading with them and to ask questions. Reading records will be checked every Monday morning and rewards will be given for those that have completed this. Please encourage your child to talk to us about recommending books - we take great pride in our bookshelf and have some brilliant books on it!
Reading book: This term, we will be reading 'The Great Chocoplot' by Chris Callaghan to tie in with our Rainforest and Fair Trade topic. It is currently available for £5.20 second hand on Amazon! Whilst purchasing the book is entirely voluntary, it is extremely beneficial for your child to have their own copy during reading lessons. If you could support us in this way, we would be extremely grateful.
Contacting us: If there is something worrying you, we would much rather you talk to us about any problems sooner rather than later. Please catch us at the end of the day or email us through the office.
We are looking forward to a year of enjoyment and learning. Please tell your children that we can't wait to see them in school!
Sara Marah and Sally Pietropinto