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Eagle Owls Yr 5

Welcome to The Summer Term!

I hope you’ve had an enjoyable break and are ready for the final term of the school year - I can't believe how quickly last half-term went, and I am sure this half-term will go just as fast! 

Important information for this half-term:

PE Days - PE days will be Monday and Thursday with Mr Pearce. Please come to school dressed in PE kit on those days.

School uniform - Please make sure that uniform is always of the highest standard and long hair is tied back. More information can be found on our website under 'Our Parents'.

Spellings - Spelling tests will continue every Tuesday morning. Your child will be given a list of spellings to bring home but if they've gone missing, they are available to download on this web page - please see below. Your child will know which group they are in - if they have individually tailored spellings, they will be sent home with your child each week. 

Homework is given out every Friday and expected back the following Wednesday. 

Class Reading Book - This term we will be reading 'The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell – I’d be very grateful if you could support us by buying a copy for your child to have in school for both our Reading and English sessions. This is a voluntary purchase.

Reading Diary - As your child gets older, I appreciate that it becomes harder to hear them read because they don't want to read out loud any more! However, reading is still very important and it would be great if you could encourage reading time and book conversations at home. Please initial their reading diary to show that they have been reading at least three times every week. A member of staff will check them every week on a Tuesday morning.

Topic Map and Learning - For information about the curriculum that I'll be teaching this term, please have a look at the topic map below titled ‘Year 5 Summer 2 Topic Web’.

If you have any questions or need to speak to me then please see me at the end of the day or email the school office.

Miss Dearn